This is Lumpy! (not his best pic, but real. #NoFilter) Lumpy is a crocheted amigurumi whale based on a pattern I found on Pinterest from
Anigurumi Today. Unfortunately, Lumpy was made before I started this blog so I don't have any in progress photos, but I do have some lessons learned that will be helpful if you want to make your own Lumpy!
Quick details:
Pearl hours: 10-15
Start to Finish: 3 weeks
Difficulty: Medium*
*this was my second crochet project... I probably should have done something easier... but it turned out WAY better than my first crochet project)
Lessons learned:
- You will think you have put enough stuffing in.... you haven't. Lumpy got his name because I didn't stuff him enough so his stuffing tends to shift and gather making him a bit lumpy at times. Trust me: stuff, stuff, stuff! Your whale will be soft and cuddly no matter what, but more stuffing will give it it's shape and help maintain it.
- I have no clue how you would sew the eyes on. It seems like a good idea till you attempt it. I gave up and used fabric glue which seemed to work well.
- The mouth doesn't have to be perfect to be adorable. Make it yours!
- Just in general with crochet, counting is EVERYTHING
How I'd do it differently next time: